School New Year

View our latest information on how to start the new school year safely in line with th latest COVID-19 Guidelines.

La Marelle will re-open on 26th September 2020 and we are looking forward to seeing all of our pupils once again. In preparation, we have carried out a risk assessment to identify the risks associated with coronavirus specific to our school and minimise those risks as far as we are able to.

Below are the arrangements we have implemented to ensure the safety of all staff, pupils and visitors to the school. These arrangements have been put into place following the risk assessment and are based on the current guidance.


1. Children must not be sent to school if:

  • They have not completed an isolation period that was required.
  • They are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 or are at all unwell.
  • Anyone in your household is displaying symptoms/has tested positive for Covid-19.

2. You must inform the school if your child or anyone in your household has developed symptoms/tested positive for Covid-19.
3. Any child or staff who develops symptoms whilst at school will be sent home immediately. They must then follow the staying at home guidance and arrange to be tested.
4. If a positive test result is confirmed that class/bubble will be closed for 2 weeks. All children and staff from that class will have to stay at home and isolate. The lessons for that class will move to online learning.

Drop-off / Pick-up

1. Only one parent will be allowed to bring or collect children from school. We recommend wearing face covering and avoiding gathering together with other parents.
2. Drop-off and pick-up will be staggered, with different times for each building.
3. Parents will not be allowed inside the buildings.
4. Drop-off and pick-up will be in the playgrounds, accessed via the gates from the car park. Each class/bubble will have a dedicated outdoor meeting point.
5. In case of lateness, please come to the entrance of the Inspiration building (on the left as you enter the car park) where a member of staff will meet you. Do not enter the buildings.
School Environment
1. Children coming to school by public transport must have a sealable plastic bag for their mask. Any child wearing a mask to come to school will have to place it in a sealable plastic bag in their school bag on arrival.
2. Pupils and staff will not be wearing face coverings in school. Those who wish to wear some form of face covering should wear a clear visor.
3. A one-way system will be in place in the buildings’ corridors and stairs.
4. Children will be expected/prompted or helped to wash their hands as soon as they enter school and regularly throughout the morning. Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance of the buildings and in all classrooms.
5. ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ will be promoted and windows opened when possible.
6. Children will remain in class bubbles (max 16 pupils) in the same classroom throughout the morning. Staffing will be kept as consistent as possible.
7. Playtime will be staggered, with a maximum of 3 bubbles in separate areas of the playground at any one time.
8. Toilet breaks will be staggered, with the use of different toilet blocks where possible.
9. Seating, for children from KS1, will be side-by-side and facing forward, as far apart as possible. There will not be any special social distancing measures in nursery because of the young age of the children.
10. Interaction will be from a distance where possible.
11. Tables & chairs will be wiped down before the lessons.
12. Nappy changing will be done on disposable mats and gloves will be worn.
13. Children must bring their own pencils, pens (including drywipe) and any other equipment that their teacher might specify. Children should not share items with others where possible.
14. Classroom based resources (such as toys, books and games) will either be cleaned after each lesson or left unused for a period of 72 hours.

We know that a few of you travel from quite far away and usually spend the morning in the reception area. Unfortunately, this will not be possible at the moment.

We will continue to review the arrangements we have implemented at this stage and update you with any changes as and when we make them.

We would like to reassure you that the safety of our school community is our priority.